Friday, August 9, 2013

Youth not a dream anymore

Let me tell you this exciting story. About 3 months ago the Lord spoke to me and Mirella and during that time He told us to start the process for getting the place for the ministry, you know, to start the Youth Center. I am always excited when He does that because when He gave us an order we know He will provide. Of course, we did not have any single penny for this, but we had the faith to believe it. Through the help of an awesome team that we host for two months (Love you guys). We started the process of finding a house. Every week we went to see houses for rent-Mirella was in charge of that and I was working in the schools but nothing. One day finally after some weeks the real state lady called us and we went to see a house in San Miguel Escobar(two miles from Antigua) immediately when we saw it, we said we liked it and the last question was: "How much?"  sweet the price was great, everything was good, I looked at my wife and shook my head: " we take it" and then the real state lady said: " Mister Castillo" is already taken, what do you mean is taken? Yes I am sorry. We where so disappointed. So our adventure kept going for more than two months but finally. A friend of my wife called us saying that one of her houses was empty and we went to see it, ask for the price, etc. and we said Nueva Generacion has a new home. The house is going to be for discipleship classes, counseling youth and parents, to have the office of New Gen, a place to host Mission Teams( so please send your teams over here), youth trainings, retreats and so on.
I just want to share this video with you:

. I was asking the Lord how to share with you the opportunity that everyone has to invest in His kingdom. And I came up with the Movie of Love see I do not want to ask you How many times you go to the movies in the month. But let say that you go once a month. The movies are in some places about $12 plus pop, plus popcorn easily goes to $20. For a little investment you get a lot. With those $20 in a monthly basis we can reach more youth, we can equip the Youth Center, more trainings, etc...I just wanted to ask you one thing can you pray and ask the Lord? if you feel the Lord leading you on this go to:
2. Or Send your gift to Mission Impact PO BOX 45797 Madison, WI 53744
3. Or share this with other friends.
4. Please share with us and contact us, we want to know from you...
5. If you want to contribute to equip the Youth Center. We need this:
-14 bunk beds
-Changing part of the roof and other repairs
-We need a stove of 30 inches
-We need sheets, pillows, shower curtains
-2 Tables- 24 chairs
-White board

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