Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Counseling Clinic

I do not know if this term really exists, but if not it is going to be one of the terms that we are going to be pointing out now and then in Nueva Generacion. Let me tell you the story behind this term. Claudia Escobar one of our staff teachers is ministering in one of the schools of the town of Santa Lucia Milpas Altas, close to Antigua Guatemala. She mentioned me the urgent need that the school has. She told me that only in one class of 20, 14 students were having suicidal thoughts and they wanted to do it. That´s only in one class, but she had more students in the entire school. We have a small group of discipleship in that school, but we needed something more aggressive for this matter, we talked with Claudia and pray about it. During this time we had the visit of the incredible missionaries of the World Race (once again the World Racers strikes back). We got one class, we put three different groups (six people working) and we started to call the students. At first the students were really shy, but then they were coming by groups, we stayed for about three hours over there and more than 25 students went by. We prayed, counsel, talked, everything, introduce to them to Jesus, but most of all we saw how the Lord glorify on the students, we heard a lot of bad stuff and we have a lot of stories that we cannot share in this media. But we encouraged you to pray for the students and for the big work that Tania (our staff in charge of Discipleship) has to do just in this school. God bless you…

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Let me tell you a story about Jacinto (this is not his real name). Jacinto, is 19 years old and is very smart. He always was upset with me, especially when I talked about God or spiritual topics with him. He said to me that he was an atheist. I always was very gentle and patient with him.

One day he said that he wanted to speak with me after class. We started talking about his beliefs and he confessed me that he was involved in drugs and had a very bad addiction until he found Jesus. Yes I was surprised!  He believed in God. What happened to Jacinto was that after he became a Christian he did not have a good follow-up or discipleship. He started to associate with the wrong crowd. He started to hangout with people that were involved in Fascism (Hitler´s Fascism) and from that he moved away from God and into atheism.

Right now Jacinto recommitted his life to Christ and he is involved in one of the small groups that Nueva Generacion has. This is just one story of many stories that we face every single day. This is just one issue of many other that we deal with such as: bad behavior, drugs and other addictions, bulling, sexual abuse, growing up without parents or without a dad,  gangs, etc.

Nueva Generacion has developed a very strong biblically based discipleship program that is addressing the problem of the lack of mentorship, accountability, counseling and discipleship.

Luis Carlos has been working with disciplining young people for more than 10 years in Guatemala. Nueva Generacion has professional staff trained to address these needs.  Our dream is to have a good facility to meet these needs and opportunities among the youth of Guatemala.

The area of Antigua Guatemala has just a few places that are addressing this need of going deeper with discipleship.  In this area there is no youth centers or a safe place for young people to gather and learn more about Jesus. In Guatemala 61% of our population is less than 30 years of age. New Generation has access and an open door to the public and private schools to talk about God and the Scriptures. There are a lot of teenagers that do not want to get close to a church but will come to a neutral place. We are sharing with them about how to have an intimate relationship with God instead of having a religion.

After one year of praying and looking for the Lord’s direction and counsel from other wise leaders, we came to realize that we need to have a physical place to fulfill what the Lord is calling us to.  A place for growth groups and Bible study, counseling, youth meetings, retreats, camps, sports activities and much more. We have a two-year time frame for this project.

Nueva Generacion is serving about 3,000 students per week with the Character Development program and we believe 10% of these students want to grow in their faith in Jesus through discipleship and growth groups. Young people from 12 to 20 years of age can have this opportunity to grow and deepen their walk with Jesus Christ.

Like Jacinto we have many other students that can benefit with this center, not only in the area of Antigua Guatemala. This center has a space to host mission groups and could be used to host many types of Christian activities.

How much is this project going to cost? Around $250,000. Our budget is $125,000 to buy the land that is large enough to include the youth center building, a basketball and a soccer court, plus space for a parking lot.  We need an additional $125,000 to construct the Youth Center building.

We wanted to ask you three things:
1.    Pray for this project and pray for us in New Generation. It is very important that we have people committed to support us with prayer. This vision is not something that we just imagined by ourselves, it came by prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
2.    If you want to make a one-time donation, a monthly donation or any other gift like donate your time to come to build, send groups from your church to help us, make a donation in materials, please contact me or Mission Impact!
3.    Would you be able to talk to someone about this project? Can you commit yourself to talk with 5 people about this youth center project: family members, neighbors, businesses, churches, small group, friends, co-workers, etc.?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I was invited to a missions conference in Yucaipa, CA. I went with my friend and Director of Mission Impact, Jeff Sprecher. The First Baptist Church of Yucaipa kindly cover all the expenses of this trip, and also I had the opportunity to share with the youth of that church- about missions and also my testimony. Two friends made this video that I want to share with you, I do not know if I ever shared my testimony with you, I hope it can be encouraging for your life, God bless you and I want to hear about you, blessings

Luis C

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Is a girl that we just met last week. She studies in a school named: Inteligencias Multiples is a very exciting and fresh school located in San Juan, Sacatepequez. We establish the program with the idea to help one of the churches and to help this community. Edwin the Youth Pastor of this church is helping to teach. We have the goal that next year he can lead the program in this community. Stef is a 15 year old girl that was in a classroom. We have to give about 6 periods of 50 minutes each in this school I was very tired that day ( I was along with a group of Worldraces- awesome group-group Raja and Shadow Feet-pray for them they are traveling for 11 months in 11 countries), it was the last period when we talk about something related about the sexual abuses and then, she started to ask questions about it, we knew that she had that problem. At the end of the class Ashley Sisk and myself ask her if we can pray for her and she confess her situation and accepted Christ. We have the challenge to continue the process with this girl and a lot others. This is the reason why we do what we do, Thank You for all the people that support Nueva Generacion and pray for us, Thank You Guys...