Thursday, September 7, 2017

Prayer Requests

...since the CICIG entity (Commission against impunity in Guatemala), which belongs to the SOROS Foundation, wants to introduce an approval law for abortion and gay marriage to the country.  The Soros Foundation is a New World Order organization run by George Soros.  Soros is a Jew-Hungarian.  He is gay and promotes abortion and gay marriage around the world. This man belongs to the OAS and has invested 20 million dollars to introduce this to countries like: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Chile, among others.  Then, CICIG wants to promote political instability in the country and introduce a Pink sociology.  The Guatemalan president has asked them to withdraw from the country and there is currently much political unrest.
If this law enters Guatemala means that we will not be able to give Values ​​in government schools, we will not know if this will have any effect on the private schools too.  This new law if passed could have a devastating effect on us as a ministry. If the President and our government are able to keep them out now, they are sure to keep trying to enter our political system later.  This is the time to raise a cry for our country and stand firm to discern the times.

Help Us Pray for:


-We pray that God will give wisdom, discernment and strength to President Jimmy Morales
-We pray that God will prevent this law from entering our country
-We pray that in the time that God allows us to be in the public and private schools we can continue to win students to Christ, disciple them as believers, and then sending to the Guatemalan youth to the lost in all the nations.
-We pray that God will establish His Will in Guatemala.

New Generation

-God gives us the strength to continue forming children and young people within the schools.