Saturday, November 26, 2011


Hello everyone,
It is difficult to express in a few sentences what I am feeling about this trip. First of all I thought Africa was similar than Guatemala, but again it is not so true. It is similar in many areas but it is so different in many. For example 37 % of the Guatemalan lives with two dollars per day, in Africa I think is above 50% of the population or more (not only in GHANA). So from now I am going to say that Africa is more needed than Guatemala in all aspects. I feel that my work was only a few comparing with the need, besides, you need to add, the muslims, the roads, the weather etc. It is a beautiful country, specially their people, how they greet us, they are so hard workers, they want to serve you and above all this they are friendly. Hey I came here to bring a change, the end they change me. I watched SURVIVOR on tv, but the things and experiences we had does not compare to this program.

The first week I arrived I saw a very nice side of ACCRA. You know I met with another Guatemalan that is working as the Manager of the company TIGO of cell phones, and I saw a very nice and weatlhy side of this city. But, then after that-I saw the cannot compare. I am in love with the people of Nakpayili- took me a while to find the appropiate teacher, at the end we find him and I did my best to train JP (I will talk more about him later). He works alone side with Pastor Amos, that leads the only church in Nakpayili. This village is a muslim community of 3,000 people surrounded by 4 or more musks, so to be Christian is very difficult. The Lord opened the door for us to be in one of the muslims schools of this area. So about 300 students are going to recieve the Word of God through education. The chief of the community allowed us to be there.

Please pray for two main things or I have to say, the ones that are my most concern. Pray for JP, so he can transmit the Word of God in that school and he can prosper JP work. Pray for this muslim community that is receiving the light of the Lord in many ways, not only through NG. In the picture appears Luis C, Ibrahim and JP

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Cowboys & The Expansion

We had been very busy, Thank God! Two weeks ago, I went to zone 6 of Guatemla City "one of the red zones in this area" to visit a school of 200 students. The principal Wilfredo Castellanos was really open to the program and he want us to train one of his Christian teachers and we are going to provide our materials. Their is a lot of gangs in this area. But, we want to help the increasing of gang members in this zone.

Also, last week we went to Jutiapa. It is a City-State of Guatemala, about 120 miles from Antigua. This is the land of Cowboys, believe it or not, yes we have Cowboys in Guate. They dressed with hats, boots and guns. So, becareful with this people, do not make them mad or do not give them the bad look, cause they can shoot you. We went to visit a Pastoral couple that started the Nueva Generacion program in the town of Agua Blanca. Doris the Pastor`s wife is the lady that it is going to be in charge of the program. We went to two schools that are going to start the program in January 2012.
 1. In the first picture it appeared from left to right:  Doris, Luis(principal) and Juan Pablo (NG leader).
2. In the second picture from left to right: The principal of the second school, Luis C and Doris.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Expansion is moving ahead

Dear Community,
Were are moving with this project. We found a very good deal in our airfair, from Guatemala to Ghana US$1,750. We have part of it, but we still need about 70% to cover it. We need your help in two things: 1. Helping us with prayer and with your financial donations and 2.If you know people that wants to connect with this project. Please send us your information, Thank you

In the first picture you can see a missionary friend that wants to go to GHANA to be a full time missionary in Nakpayili. He is wearing a shirt from GHANA. In the other picture it appears some stuff from GHANA, hand made souvenirs.

Luis C

The Campment

I was invited to be part of a Campment, most of it to be the guest speaker. We had 89 students that were challenged in this event. The good part of all of this is that several accepted Christ in their heart. In this school we have a very cool program with the students. God was there and every single day we saw a very different moved of the Holly Spirit. I am very excited to be part of what the Lord is doing with the New Generation. Also we had a very good band playing!

Luis C.

One of Things That I enjoy the most-DISCEPLESHIP

One of the things that I enjoy the most is the one on one discipleship. When I go to a small group or teach to several students is something I enjoy, but most about the enjoyment or the passion I have for this, is the importance that we have as christians to build people. I had been in big events and that`s good, but you cannot see what is going on in their heart until you are sitting with them or talking with them about thier lives or their desire to follow Jesus. This is a picture of 23 students that are studying a Bible class and discipleship with a Bibllical College, I am very proud and excited to present this champions that we believe are going to be the New Generation of my country, blessings...

Luis C.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Ghana, Africa: 
 Expanding the ministry to Nakpayili, Ghana 
Desire to expand NG to more C.A. countries
Why Africa? 
    1. It is a Muslim area. The people in this area does not know anything about Jesus...
Romans 15:20-21: 20. Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ
was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation:
21. But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall
see: and they that have not heard shall understand.
"The Lord is giving us the opportunity to reach youth that never heard of Him before ".
     2. A missionary(Ileana Corzo) invited us to be part of this program. A missionary is going to led the youth program in this city.

What We need?
We need two things:
1. We need to raise a Total of: US$3,500
US$1,900 for the airfare or We need about 100,000miles( in United Airlines)
US$350 for food during my staying
US$700 for transportation
US$450 to make and transport our materials.
2. We need people like you...

     If you are led by the Lord to help us go to  or send a donation to: 
Mission Impact

PO Box 45797
  Madison, WI 53744-5797
All donations are receipted and are tax-deductible